Tuesday, November 17, 2009


November is a time for many changes, not only with the weather but in education as well. In November, parents are provided the opportunity to meet at conferences, teachers are preparing report cards, sports teams are beginning or concluding their seasons, and the community has elected one incumbent and several new school board directors.
Many thanks to those who have ended their service on the Board; Eric Rummel, Ron Mastrine, Joe Stephan, and Eric Hicks. Your long hours of dedication and service to the Central Cambria School District are both noteworthy and appreciated. I have enjoyed working with you and will miss your insight and knowledge.
Congratulations to our incoming Board members: Rose Marie Sedosky, Dennis Simmers, Don Cessna, and Marcia Shaheen. I look forward to working with each of you as we address the many issues facing our district. I commend each of you for your willingness to serve the students and community as school directors.
Finally, I wish everyone in the CCSD community a safe, healthy and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. For my part, Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year: without the frenzy of holiday shopping, my family and I spend time together enjoying memories and making new ones. Who could ask for more: loved ones near ( a new grandson!), a terrific feast - and football! Let us all be thankful for time spent with our families as we share this great holiday. Stay safe!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Some Fall kudos...

Although the leaves are gone, Central Cambria students continue to brighten up the area with their prowess in extracurricular activities. Our district is proud of the way its academic clubs, student athletes and coaches show respect and good sportsmanship, regardless of the outcome. There is not nearly enough space within this blog to mention all of the activities and accomplishments that make ours an outstanding school district. However, several notable events deserve special recognition:


... to the boys' soccer team and coach Reynolds for making district playoffs
... to the boys' and girls' cross country teams and Coach Wilson and asst. coach Tammy
Nagel. The girls have again captured the title of district champions and will be sending the
entire team to the state championship competition in Hershey
.... are also in order to the wonderful gesture by the boys' soccer team as they assisted Robert
L. as he scored the first goal of his career. Your effort and sincere gesture has shown many
in the community why Central Cambria is a superior district
.... to the CCSD Foundation on receiving a $2500 check from the Sheetz Corporation during
the grand opening of its new Ebensburg store.

As I visit each school I continue to be impressed and proud of the efforts put forth by students, teachers, non-instructional staff and administrators. Kudos and tremendous thanks to all who make our district shine!