Thursday, September 20, 2012

Once gain the leaves begin to turn…

Once gain the leaves begin to turn…

         Yes, the leaves are beginning to turn, much to the pleasure of some and the dismay of others.  For me, it is one of the best seasons of the year (only newcomers to this blog will be surprised by this statement).  In my view, the autonomy of nature is one of its greatest attractions: it can’t be legislated, regulated, or changed by individuals or by the government.  We must simply accept what occurs and adjust our plans according to the season and the weather it brings us.

         Here at Central Cambria, we pride ourselves on being prepared for the weather and the related circumstances that may occur.  Greg Shaffer, our maintenance supervisor, has told me that there are 95 miles of roadway and parking lots—just around our main campus—to be plowed each time Mother Nature “blesses” us with snow.  This Herculean effort is usually completed prior to the start of school.  There are also many sidewalks and walkways that must be cleared before the start of the school day.

Those who walk around or drive through our campus are consistently impressed with how well the grounds and buildings are maintained.  The majority of this work takes place over summer but the upkeep continues around student and community activities in our buildings and on the school grounds. This may explain the fact that many area groups request the use of our facilities; they seem to truly appreciate the effort we put into providing clean and contemporary buildings for our students and for our community. Our schools are the meeting place for Girl Scouts, youth basketball practices, volleyball groups, Basket Bingo for our boosters, and many other community activities. We have continued our partnership with the local YMCA to manage our pool schedule again this school year.

         My point in all of this rambling about our district’s facilities is this: those who live in and around our district, and who do not have children in our schools, reap many benefits from the fine facilities we work hard to maintain.  Equally important, keeping the district in top shape is much less costly than fixing emergencies that come from years of neglect or oversight.

         I commend the men and women who maintain the fields, parking lots, buildings, classrooms, etc. They do this on a daily basis with no regard for recognition, but their dedication allows students, families and community members to enjoy the activities and facilities of their area’s school district.

         Now for the really best part of fall; FOOTBALL!  I am proud to say that my eldest son, Adam, is the commissioner of our family’s fantasy league – Clan D.  I am now 2-0 after this past weekend, and it was Adam whom I beat. (Am I bad parent to gloat about defeating my son? Absolutely not! It’s just another reason to celebrate the season!)

The fall sports are in full swing on all levels, including our district’s sport teams.  I hope we all get out and support our teams, in whatever sport is appealing, as these few months go by quickly. Take time to enjoy the season and the region; perhaps the grounds of CCSD would be the perfect fall walk. Whatever you do this season, I encourage all of you who read my blog to be proud of CCSD and the benefits your public school district has to offer.

Speaking of the speed at which the fall months pass, now may be a good time to tune up your snow blower, take the dust and cobwebs off your shovel and check your salt supply.  If you recall, we had quite an impressive snowstorm over a weekend last October.  It is never too early to prepare.  In the meantime, enjoy the season (and football). 

                                             DR. D