Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The first day of Fall....

The first day of Fall…

As I have stated in the past, autumn is one of my favorite seasons, partly because I’m fortunate enough to live in Pennsylvania. Here we experience the beautiful leaf changes, the crisp mornings, and the brilliant blue skies of the new season. (More later about the second reason that I love this time of year.) I have even greater appreciation for the beautiful setting of our district as I look out over the well-kept facilities we maintain for our students and our community.
There are many days and evenings that I see members of the community walking around the track or the school grounds, watching soccer, football games, cross country meets, etc. It is important to know that CCSD is a viable and accessible part of the community.
There are many area groups who request the use of our facilities; they seem to truly appreciate the effort we put into providing clean and contemporary buildings for our students and for our community. Our schools are the meeting place for Girl Scouts, youth basketball practices, Basket Bingo for our boosters, and many other community activities. As evidence of the collaborative relationship we are proud to foster, we have gotten a favorable public response to the plan for the YMCA to manage our pool schedule this school year.
My point in all of this seemingly random rambling is this: those who live in and around our district, who do not have any children in our schools, reap many benefits from the fine facilities we work hard to maintain. By adhering to our five-year maintenance schedule, we address upkeep issues in a timely fashion, thereby preventing buildings from lapsing into expensive disrepair. Keeping the district in top shape is much less costly than fixing emergencies that come from years of neglect or oversight.
I commend the men and women who maintain the fields, parking lots, buildings, classrooms, etc. They do this on a daily basis with no regard for recognition, but their dedication allows so many to enjoy our district and all its activities and facilities.
What would my blog be without some mention of my second (primary? I’ll never tell…) reason for loving the fall season? Now that the Steelers have actually decided to play football (note Game #1) rather than just participate, fall is in full swing at my house.
Take time to enjoy the season and the region; perhaps the grounds of CCSD would be the perfect Fall walk. Whatever you do this season, I encourage all of you who read my blog to be proud of CCSD and what we have to offer.
I hesitate to bring this up at the start of this wonderful season, but now is the time to clean that snow shovel, tune up the snow blower and get an extra bag of salt…we all know what follows Fall. Enjoy the season!!


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